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Bell Schedule

Car-rider drop off in the morning is from 8:45-9:15 am. In the mornings please be in line by 9:10 to allow your student time to walk to their classroom and arrive at their classroom on time. Please have your student exit the vehicle on the passenger side for safety. Upon arrival please be sure your student has their backpacks ready for a quick exit.
Car-rider pick up in the afternoon begins at 3:45 pm. Please refer to the map to line up correctly for car-rider procedures.
Students are tardy after 9:15. At this point an adult needs to walk the student into the office and sign them in at the office. All schools use a buzz-in system which requires you ringing the bell by Door 1 and communicating with a staff member in the office. A staff member in the office will assist you with checking them in, the student will receive a note and will walk to their classroom. If checking a student out early a picture ID will be required.
Changes in a student’s dismissal needs to be communicated. Please communicate the changes with the office no later than 3 pm so that this information can be communicated to the classroom teacher.

8:45 a.m. - Students can begin entering the building

9:15 a.m. - Tardy Bell

3:45  p.m. - Dismissal

map depicting the parent route and bus route at CPS